Personalized Movement Ritual

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Anchoring your big work in the world through movement & ritual

Personalized Movement Rituals are the perfect way to cultivate a practice of being present with the feelings in your body. During the Taking Flight Intensive with Sara Ballard, you’ll receive at minimum one new Personalized Movement Ritual per season (4 per year).

Near the beginning of each season, you’ll meet with Sara online or in person, and work together to co-create a special playlist with dedicated movements to help you let go of what is no longer serving, to anchor your intentions in the world, and to nourish your dreams in the body and in the world around you. You’ll be encouraged to use this playlist throughout the season, to honor this part of your journey. We recommend getting a spotify account, but any music service will do (including iTunes, if you wish to purchase your seasonal songs).

We do a new movement ritual each season so you can find a fresh footing in what is happening in your world and to honor the natural cycles and changes throughout your year.

***Each Personalized Movement Ritual will be recorded and sent to you via link, for you to download on your personal computer. You’re welcome to keep them and use them as often or as little as you desire.

Your movement ritual can be traded in for a personalized Qoya movement playlist based on the same thing as above, if you wish to experience moving your body on your own vs creating a ritual. (please note this is not a one on one class, but a personalized playlist, meant to be danced on your own. To get the playlist, you’ll still need a one on one session with Sara to chat about what you’re letting go of, your intentions, and what you’re anchoring in the world.

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If you’re interested in purchasing a Personalized Movement Ritual, outside of the
Taking Flight Program click the button below…